Climate Facts

Scientists agree that the Earth has been getting warmer due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, which traps heat in our atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise.  Heat records are repeatedly being broken.  Not only the air temperatures are rising, but oceans are becoming hotter; fish, coral,  and other marine life are dying. Rising temperatures affect crops, lead to catastrophic climate fires, cause extreme rainfall/drought, melt glaciers, decimate bees which are needed to pollinate crops, destroy ocean populations, and more. It is not just a matter of "let's turn up the AC" -- it is literally a matter of life and death.  

If you'd like to read more about what climate change is, here's a simple guide published recently in the BBC

Sources: NASA; PBS; Aljazeera 

Note: This photo was taken mid-morning, Sept 9, 2020 in the SF Bay Area. The sky remained orange all day from climate fires' smoke. This photo has not been altered.